Latest news: | 15/07/2007 - submitted by: elizabethn
Hi all ! Between exhaustion from work and struggling to get Milk, Sex & Cookies on the roll again, I came this close to calling it quits from Probeersel. However, a part of me is feeling stubborn in regards to quitting. Instead, I've decided to try and finish MS&C - I just don't know how soon or long this will take. Other than that, I have some new one-page comics that I would like to share with Probeersel viewers. After all, Probeersel is where my comic roots began. So starting today, every sunday, you can find those here!
14/03/2005 - submitted by: webmaster
Completely the fault of me being away to a different part of the country yesterday, Elizabeth Neerenberg's new comic "Milk, Sex & Cookies" did NOT premier on yesterday, contrary to what the intention was. My fault, and the first page is now available.
08/03/2005 - submitted by: webmaster
Everyone, please welcome our new member: Elizabeth Neerenberg ! Her new comic will be debuting on soon.
Also, Argibald returns two new images, today and tomorrow !