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Wapsi Square - Paul Taylor
main characters: Monica, Shelly, Amanda, Owen, Jacquline, Daren, and many others. (Yes ! A cast page !)
appears Monday-Friday - in English only

Wapsi Square is, first of all, incredibly well-drawn. The comic is full of attractive women and Paul Taylor does a really great job at making them look attractive. Since this is definately not one of my own strongest points, I can always admire that. But also the backgrounds, other settings, the movements of the characters, everything looks great about this strip.
That said, what's left is basically a slowly-told, relationships soap opera that's not told at the fastest pace in the history of webcomics. Sure enough, the storytelling pace is ideal for an audience ready to get to know these characters better and learn to love them as much as their creator clearly does, but it annoys me - I like my stories told a bit faster. But that, of course, doesn't mean you have to agree with me - the comic is basically about a group of friends who struggle with all sorts of every-day trouble and situations, with great moments and emotional tragedies. A lot of people like this sort of material, and it's handled rather well here, so the comic's popularity is completely deserved.
A big drawback of the site - to me - is that when you browse the archives, you can't easily get back 'home', which is also where the buttons to the other pages are. So navigating isn't made TOO easy. But hey, that's just nitpicking. But while I'm at it, the .png files used for the strips are also rather large (and Keenspot, which hosts it, has servers which get visited so much each day that they also slow down the pages) so reading the entire archive will take weeks, if not months, if you're on dial-in (like myself).
All in all though, the site looks great, the comic is a gem even if only in the quality of the drawings, and you should not take my word for any of it and go check it out.

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