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USER FRIENDLY - JD 'Illiad' Frazer
main characters: Chief, Stef, Greg, Sid, Mike, Miranda, Pitr, Erwin, Dust Puppy, AJ
appears daily - in English only
User Friendly seems to have been going on forever, and has a hard core audience that will probably never abandon it. Unfortunately for the common man, you have to be a techie to understand and like most of these jokes.
The staff of clearly one of the most disastrous ISP's in the world (and in today's world, that seems to mean something) go through the craziest adventures as they deal with Microsoft, stupid customers, lousy management, and dust coming to life.
It reads like a soap opera: hard to get into the current story thread once you start reading it for the first time, but in the end, the characters and environments don't change much and complex storylines usually end up with all staff intact.
I personally enjoy reading it, but I do know it's hard for 'outsiders' to get into. And not everyone can appreciate Illiad's drawing style, either.
Try it for a while, and if you still don't like it after a month, you'll never score high on the UF quiz.
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