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TURTLE TRAXX - Peter Bennett & Ursula Keuper-Bennett
main characters: George, Howzit, Tamu, Garland, Ted, H. H. Fowler
appears weekly - in English only

Turtle Traxx is a comic strip revolving around a turtle research centre. The site is well-taken care of: all characters are well introduced to the reader and the weekly strip actually is weekly (which is amazing amongst people who just do this as a hobby on top of their otherwise busy enough jobs).
The strip's humour is a bit soft, and I personally don't enjoy it much. The style I would categorize as 'not bad'. But I didn't list this strip amongst my links on a whim: For non-professionals, this is an extremely decent site and comic. I recommend checking it out and deciding for yourself if it's worth coming back to.

Click here to read "Turtle Traxx" for yourself