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Stedho - Belgian comic artist

Someone actually tipped me off on this site through e-mail, so I'd like to thank that person here. Stedho is a young belgian illustrator whose influences are clearly tightly rooted in the Belgian/French traditions - and you'll never hear me say this is a bad thing. People like André Franquin, Tome & Janry - if you love their work (and you should), Stedho could be an interesting person to keep an eye on.
His site so far features two full-size comics (one perpetually repeating longer comic and one two-page charming little strip), sneak peeks at his progressing projects (such as a story based on the mythological Minotaur), and news - although a lot seems to still be in development.
I for one will be checking back on this site from time to time, because this might grow into a very interesting place to frequent. Who's with me ??

Click here to read Stedho's material for yourself