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SLOW WAVE - Jesse Reklaw
main characters: not applicable
appears weekly - in English only

Jesse Reklaw came up with an awesome concept: get people to tell him about dreams they had, and then turn those into comics ! Slow Wave has been going on for years, and Reklaw can barely keep up with the amount of submissions, last I heard.
In all honesty, I have to admit I once submitted a dream too, and yes, it got drawn as well (May 5, 2001). I was already a fan of the comic before then, though.
Reklaw's collective dream diary has been eager food for thought for a lot of psychologists, and made for a great newspaper comic for several newspapers. I may be biased, but the success story speaks for itself. This is a great and very unusual comic, and you are hereby obliged to read it.

Click here to read "Slow Wave" for yourself