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STUDIO NOODWEER - Dutch Comics Studio
April 10th, 2001, five Dutch comic artists (René Leisink, Rob Derks, Michiel van de Vijver, Jan Dirk Barreveld and Koert Stavenuiter) got together and founded Studio Noodweer in the city of Nijmegen, Holland.
They deliver on a regular basis comic strips to media like the Dutch free daily train newspaper Metro, its competitor Spits, the Ijmuider Courant, and various organisations. They are growing rapidly in popularity and quality, and their site is worth checking out as well. It hosts several samples of comic work by the above mentioned artists (and occasionally small scraps of information about the artists themselves), contact information, and a guestbook.
The site navigation is relatively userfriendly, although I must add that the entire content is in Dutch. But if you're interested in some of the new upcoming names in the Dutch comics industry, you should definately check this site out.
Click here to visit Studio Noodweer for yourself