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JESSE VAN MUYLWIJCK - Dutch comic artist
When this site got revamped early in 2002, and I was looking all over the Web for interesting links, as well as artists' birthdays and such, Jesse van Muylwijck was one of the names I thought of to look for, pretty soon.
He has a great site up, which basically holds every information you could want about him and his strip, De Rechter. Except his exact birthday.
So I took a bold step and e-mailed him (as I must admit I've done with more comic artists) and he was very kind in his reply. Not only did I get his birthday, but he shared a few anekdotes about how he used to collect artists' birthdays too, and even offered me to send me a copy of the calendar he has of the dates he found out. Of course I said yes, and they were a lot of help.
So the least I can say about him, is that he's a pretty friendly guy. I also admire his work - I won't go as far as to say he's one of my heroes or main influences, but I do consider him a great addition to the small world of professional Dutch comic artists.
He is also available for caricatures sessions - but you have to pay travel expenses, and I'm not sure how willing he would be to come visit you when you don't live in Holland.
For that, and a lot more about him and De Rechter, I suggest you just visit his site.
Click here to surf the Jesse's Comics site for yourself