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HENK STOLKER - Dutch Flash webcomic artist

Mostly this site is the online portfolio of Henk Stolker, a Dutch illustrator who seems to be doing some really nice work. He's been involved in such interesting projects as Teken Mijn Verhaal, and various advertising campaigns, but it's still mostly a standard (Dutch !) portfolio site, guided by a cute character called Dr.Daft, and complete with digital business card, wallpapers, etc.
Now.. what makes this site really interesting, is that - kind of well-hidden - two mini-comics can be downloaded from here, and you can print, fold and staple them yourself. And they're fun !! But it takes some searching before you find them, especially if your Dutch skills just aren't what they used to be. It would be very sadistic of me not to tel you how to find it.
Right ?
Yeah, it would be kind of mean.

So how's the weather there ?
Alright, alright, I'll tell ya. Sheesh !
There is no way to find it, unless you got your hands on one of the two booklets yourself. Here's the first one, here's the second one and here's the third one. I have no idea when a fourth one will appear, but I'm sure another one will end up in my hands during some next comics convention again - Mr. Stolker seems quite the productive fella !

Click here to surf Henk Stolker's site for yourself