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GUMMBAH - Dutch comic artist

Although his work gets published in several Dutch newspapers, a lot of Dutch people don't know him. Most, though, have seen cartoons by him, and often recall it - just not who drew it.
Gummbah's jokes are the Dutch answer to Dr.Fun, if you ask me - except, of course, not specifically intended for online.
His drawing style is unusual (and some would say, ugly) and either you get his jokes rightaway, or you'll never get them - and if you don't get them, you won't like them. I think he's brilliant, and I'm not just saying that because he lives in the same city as me.
An example ? A black man says 'I hate myself' in a bar, which makes the man next to him exclaim 'Racist !'.
There are several sites with Gummbah's work online, and I have no idea which is his own official site. The one linked to, to my opinion, hosts the richest collection of the ones I've seen.
Interesting note is perhaps that Gummbah is also one of the four artists that founded the underground comic magazine 'De Bedenkelijk Kijkende Grondeekhoorn'.

Click here to surf De Niet Echte Gummbah Site for yourself