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FOKKE & SUKKE - Reid, Geleijnse & Van Tol
main characters: Fokke & Sukke
appears daily - in Dutch only

The Dutch people were introduced to Fokke & Sukke, two slick, sexist, rude, capitalist birds (a duck and a canary) whose main thoughts involve the organs dangling in between their legs, in 1993. They were an instant hit and for nearly a decade now they have been criticizing and satirizing Dutch politics, big company culture, and nearly every other subject imaginable, with a healthy dose of silliness, perversion, sarcasm and wit.
Unfortunately for non-Dutch readers, you will likely not be able to make any sense of it. The language is Dutch, and the jokes are mosttimes set in Dutch society.
But the cartoons are a definate must-read for Dutch readers. Be sure to look for other F&S resources online, as well.

Click here to read "Fokke & Sukke" for yourself