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FARIDA LAAN - Dutch comic artist
I can't say much about Farida Laan. I don't really know her, I only know some of her work, mainly Olga, which also appears in Zone 5300. It looks nice, it has a pleasant absurdism to it, but really, I don't know too much about the artist behind Olga.
Odds are, neither do you. Well, you're in luck. If there's one thing this website does, it's tell you more about the artist behind Olga.
Welllll... maybe not. The site tells us that she does a whole lot more than just draw Olga. But after browsing through the descriptions and links of her various projects, we still don't really know anything new about Farida. And for those of you who can't read any Dutch, you won't know too much about her work, either.
Then again, maybe we should let her work speak for herself. And leave the hunger for any bio info on Farida to the off-chance possibility of bumping into her in a bar.
That's right, I'm saying, don't use the web to meet people. Get out more. Go. But first click the below link.
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