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main characters: Darris, Gimik, Balt
summary: Heaven is actually populated with Templars, people reincarnated into a sort of warrior-angels. They travel to various planets and aren't afraid of battle.
For a superhero-inspired comic, I have to admit I liked this one. And not just because there's a topless angel in it.
The dialogues are semi-witty and crude, the drawing style appeals without being too professional, and the story runs along smoothly and accessibly.
It's not particularly innovating as web comics go, though, and there's nothing shocking to report about it otherwise. Because of site visitors' feedback, I have given it an 'adult content' rating, but that is only due to the topless angel, in all honesty.
It's nice to check out. Take note that it's Another Unfinished Web Product, so there's no chance to finishing the story anytime soon.
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