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Rolf is a Dutch student from the great city of Utrecht, where he spends his time studying physical geography and getting drunk with co-students. And, besides a few other hobbies, he likes to draw cartoons.
His work is not remarkable, but Rolf is 23 years old as I write this, and it's also not BAD. Not at all. There are some very interesting and promising drawing styles in there, and a few of the cartoons even cracked me up completely.
He also posted some other artwork on the site which shows us that he knows the ways of the pencil in more serious compositions, as well. All in all, it's worth checking out at the least.
Important sidenote: the entire site is in Dutch ! Which also means the cartoons are in Dutch. So if you can't read a single word of this wonderful language, you may want to think twice before clicking the link below.
Oh, my personal favourite cartoon from the site ? One with two vikings, one running at the village with his axe ready, while the other shouts "No Thorwulf !! We are home !! Home !!"... *laughs*

Click here to visit Rolf Schuttenhelm's site for yourself