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A Softer World - Joey Comeau & Emily Horne
main characters: not applicable
appears irregularly but semi-weekly - in English only
Now here's a very different kind of webcomic. It reminds me most of my own experimental poempics but different. A Softer World is a semi-regular comic using photography and poetic, short bits of text combined.
Doesn't sound like your run-of-the-mill webcomic does it ? Well, that's because it's not. But it's amazing stuff - it's touching, it's aestetically wonderful, it's... something you really need to look at. If any webcomic can make a case for the medium to approach an art form, it's this one. Then again, perhaps not - because you can't quite classify it as a webcomic. Not really. It's art.
Click here to read "A Softer World" for yourself |